
Zorislav Shoyat

Rudjer Boskovic Institute

Gordana and Zorislav Šojat, a married couple form Zagreb, Croatia, started their activity in the areas of light art, light scenography and creative lighting in 2003. From then they had more then 130 public exhibitions of their work. They are also authors/co-authors of several artistic-scientific and artistic-spiritual short films. They devote special attention to the interrelation of sciences and arts (art in science and science in art), to multidisciplinarity in sciences and arts and to synaesthesia. During their work with the light as a medium they also invented several light art devices: the homelight projector, the lightbrush and the lightwell.

Zorislav Shoyat finished high education as a Professor of General Linguistics and Socio-Humanistic Informatics on the Faculty of Philosophy of Zagreb University, Croatia. His main field of interest is Cybernetics, and he applies Cybernetic principles in scientific research in the area of computer science and intelligence stimulation. He authored and coauthored many scientific and professional papers and several books in the areas of linguistics, computer science, economy, astronomy, archeology, philosophy, ethics..., several international patents and some computer systems. Presently he is working on the development of Dew-computing, Rainbow-computing, and an inherently parallel programming language system - Virtue (Virtual Interactive Resource-Tasking Universal Environment).